Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte’s plan + raising questions

Monte Taylor Big Brother

Welcome to day 74 of Big Brother 24There is a little more than a week left in the season and at this point, we do see a pretty clear path to the end of the game.

Ultimately, much of the future of this season was solidified yesterday with the Power of Veto. Had Brittany or Taylor won the power, there’s a chance we could be looking here at something more dynamic or at least worthy of strategic debate. Because Monte won it, nothing else matters.

Do we think that Taylor could still try to convince him to evict Turner over Brittany? Sure, but she knows that he’s a level-headed guy and isn’t going to do something that he knows is against his better interest in the game. He and Turner have a final two deal and if Turner’s at the end of the game, he probably takes him over Taylor unless something changes.

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Of course, the irony in all this is that overnight, Monte and Taylor solidified further a final two they talked about earlier in the day. Sure, they’re also a showmance, but there is a strategic part of this, as well. (We personally think Taylor would still rather take Brittany to final two, but she knows that she doesn’t have that option.) Monte is backing off taking Turner; he wouldn’t 100% tell him yesterday that he was still wanting to take him to the end.

Second guessing

Overnight, Taylor and Monte ALSO questioned whether or not Turner could be lying about his role in the eviction of Alyssa, but they both doubt it. As much as Brittany may deny it, they both think she’s the one who tried to evict Taylor and they’re right. As we’ve said for a while and he reiterated last night, Brittany and Michael keeping Kyle’s comments from everyone for weeks is the moment that his trust in her started to fall apart. It caused him to be much more suspicious of her moving forward and since that time, she’s tried a number of lies on him that he hasn’t believed.

Will there be more second guesses over the next few days? Probably. Remember that these people have a LOT of time left before Thursday; they’re going to get bored.

Do you think anything big will happen in the Big Brother 24 house today?

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