Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Taylor’s full-circle moment

Taylor Hale Big Brother

Now that we’re several hours away from the Veto Competition in the Big Brother 24 house, we’re starting to get a sense of where everyone stands.

Before we even recommence some of the strategy talk, we don’t want to overlook the significance of what happened earlier today when Taylor put her finale jumpsuit back on. Remember when she wore it early on in the season, after being encouraged to do so, only to then be bashed by the other players? Now, a lot of those people are at home watching her put it on again. She’s earned this moment and it’s pretty darn incredible to see.

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Now, let’s get into the strategy conversations. Monte is unlikely to waver in his stance that he is evicting Brittany, but we do still think there will be campaigns. Taylor and Turner spoke a little bit this afternoon, and he talked a little bit about the idea of himself having awful jury management … which isn’t that much of a lie. Alyssa is mad at him, Jasmine loathes him, and Joseph feels like he betrayed him big-time at Dyre Fest. People actually shouldn’t be as worried about Turner when it comes to his juror presence. If we were Taylor, we’d rather be in final two with him as opposed to Monte, who did a much better job with some people as they headed out the door.

As for Brittany, she seemed to be frustrated mostly that Monte and Taylor were hanging out today and her conversation with Turner was brief and mostly about how he’s doing. He had a hard day mentally yesterday but ironically, a lot of it was due to Brittany’s own actions. She’s still not owning up to being the vote to evict Taylor; for the record, Taylor doesn’t even care that much since she thinks she can beat Brittany in the end and she’s right. Monte may just not let that happen.

Who do you think is in the best spot right now in Big Brother 24 to make the final two?

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