Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The Veto winner’s decision?

Matt Turner Big Brother

Based on what we know at present from the Big Brother 24 house, one thing feels rather clear: We could be in for a LONG next five or six days.

You see, the nomination ceremony and Power of Veto competition have both already happened, a consequence of both of them being included in Sunday night’s new episode. What that means is that you’re going to see a meaningless stretch of campaigning and/or drama when it’s already clear what the Veto winner is going to do.

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After Taylor nominated Turner and Brittany overnight, Monte won the all-important final four Veto this morning. This means that technically, Monte has won the last three competitions that he actively competed in. Remember that he didn’t get down to compete for the Veto in time, and he was not eligible to play in the last Head of Household. He has the power to make a big decision between Turner and Brittany … but it does not appear as though he needs a lot of time in order to make it. Based on what we’ve seen from him tonight, it looks as though he’s already figured things out.

So what is Monte going to do here in the end? Keep Turner. He told us as much in a direct conversation, noting that it makes no sense to keep Brittany when he knows that she and Taylor would take each other to final two over him. We also just think he likes Turner better, and we do think Monte is one of those players who does value on some level who deserves to be there. He’s been irritated by Brittany for a long time, starting when she and Michael admitted that they kept the information about Kyle from the house for weeks.

Do we think that Brittany and even Taylor will try to push him to make a different choice? 100% we anticipate that, mostly because Taylor is aware that both she and Monte have a better chance against Brittany, and she probably knows there’s a good chance that Turner would take Monte. We just think that Monte is a guy who is pretty set in his ways once he figures out what he wants. The only thing he doesn’t want is for Turner to look too comfortable this week, since he doesn’t want to deal with any scrambling.

Do you think there is ANY chance that Monte will change his mind in Big Brother 24 this week?

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