Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Final 4 nominations, Veto preview

Matt Turner Big Brother

Welcome to the morning of day 73 of Big Brother 24Who would’ve thought that the feeds would be anywhere near as eventful?

Let’s start with the nominations, which took place extremely late overnight: Head of Household Taylor nominated Brittany and Turner. There’s no need for some significant amount of fanfare here, given that this was precisely what a lot of people would have predicted. Given that Brittany and Turner were involved in the tie vote last night and Brittany’s not admitting to casting her vote, it makes sense for her to throw them up and say that someone is lying and she doesn’t know who. (Truthfully, she does seem to know it’s Brittany.)

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24, including daily news from the feeds

Really, it doesn’t matter — the Veto is all that matters, and the Veto is already underway!

For the sake of drama, the most exciting outcome today is Taylor winning the PoV. That means that she’ll have to decide who casts the deciding eviction vote. If she chooses Brittany, that also causes a few days worth of people pitching to her as to what she wants to do. If Turner or Monte win the Veto, that’s just fundamentally boring. It means that we’re going to see a super-predictable situation where they boot Brittany and we’re just stuck waiting for days to see that happen. Unless Turner or Monte really start to wake up and realize that they’ll clobber Brittany at the end, they’re going to just keep each other around.

We’re not saying that we’re rooting for Brittany by any means, since really she’s played a pretty awful game as of late — we’re mostly on Team Feeds, and the Veto is being played SO early this week that we could have a lot of dead content. (The Veto is being played at this time because it’s going to be on Sunday’s episode — remember, there is no show on Wednesday night.)

What do you most want to see when it comes to Big Brother 24 moving forward?

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