Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Brittany’s mistake & the aftermath

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

Welcome to the morning of day 72 in the Big Brother 24 house! This has been a pretty bonkers week, or at least more so than expected. Of course, right when we thought we were going to get a straightforward eviction would inevitably be when things go completely off the rails.

The biggest thing we were reminded of over the past few days is pretty simple: Brittany isn’t slick. As a matter of fact, it’s been another reminder that Michael deserves more credit for reeling her in with some of her game-talk. We think that her BB Comic rattled her more than she’s let on and she’s tried to make some moves this week to give herself more of a resume, but they’ve all blown up in her face.

If you want to ensure you don’t miss any further Big Brother 24 live feed updates, go ahead and visit the link here. We’ll be here with more stuff the rest of the season.

In the end, Alyssa will almost certainly be evicted tonight. It’s true that Brittany and Alyssa did have a lot of discussion that made is think there was a good chance Alyssa could be saved, and Taylor didn’t do herself a lot of favors this week by letting her guard down and spending way too much time with Monte. Luckily for Taylor, Brittany’s “execution” of a plan was a total failure. She talked to Turner last night about the idea of him giving Alyssa a sympathy vote, but the way she went about it was FAR too obvious. She would’ve been better off either not talking to him or making him think she was sending out Alyssa 100% without any further question. That way, maybe he’d think about it on his own.

(Also, at one point Brittany accidentally said she was evicting Taylor — that didn’t help matters.)

Alyssa’s only hope was getting Turner to sway slightly and completely blindside both him and Monte when Brittany voted to keep her. That’s not gonna happen.

Anyway, Turner went back to Monte and Taylor overnight and told them that Brittany was trying to flip the vote. That did cause Taylor to spend less time with Monte overnight, so it might have at least gotten her focused more on the game. We honestly don’t think it’s going to change much beyond this week; sure, Taylor could be mad at Brittany, but she still knows that she is her best path to winning the game at the end. We do think Taylor would at least have a chance versus anyone but if you’re her, choose the easiest path! You’re there to win the game.

Brittany, meanwhile, remains the least-trustworthy person in the house in the eyes of other people.

What do you think is going to happen on tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction show?

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