Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The danger for Monte, Taylor

Taylor Hale Big Brother

As we get into day 71 of Big Brother 24it feels to us like we could be set for a pretty challenging day for a number of different reasons. There are some big decisions that need to be made when it comes to the vote and at this point, it feels like Monte and Taylor are playing with fire.

Today marks the second straight day that the two have stayed together in the HoH room, and while they haven’t told anyone about their makeout-sessions / showmantic behavior, eventually people could catch on. Turner’s not an idiot and there’s already a chance that he suspects something. The danger here comes in how duos like this could be seen as a huge threat moving forward in the game.

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Remember that Turner and Monte have a final two deal, and even with everything going on, there’s a chance that Monte still wants to hold true to that. However, perception matters more than reality and if Turner starts to think that Monte would take Taylor to the end over him, that’s where he could start to think it’s better to take her out this week over Alyssa, who he has been close to for most of the game but was planning to evict.

Alyssa didn’t do herself any favors with Turner yesterday by more or less threatening her jury vote if Turner were to evict her from the gate; yet, overnight she circled back again and tried to say that she may have Brittany’s vote. Eventually, she could try to argue for a sympathy vote.

Do we think that Taylor will make it to final four? Most likely, as we’re only 36 hours away from the vote. However, Monte and Taylor have to be super careful over the next day or so, and they have to remember not to get too comfortable. Taylor’s done a great job most of the season being very aware, and this is one of the few times we’ve seen her focus waver a little bit. Monte even warned her that people could suspect something if they stayed together overnight again.

What do you think is going to happen in Big Brother 24 today?

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