Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Brittany spills the beans to Alyssa
Is there a player messier than her, often for no real reason? Well, this is what we had this afternoon as she and Alyssa had one of the strangest conversations imaginable. It was like both of them were trying to make each other feel bad, and it just became this cycle of unending sorriness and pity about the state of their games.
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With Brittany, she tried to enforce to point to Alyssa that she didn’t have anywhere near as much control she Alyssa may think and that her vote doesn’t matter — she then threw Turner under the bus, saying that he was going to evict her and Turner’s planning to tell her leading up to the eviction. Brittany doesn’t want to be the sacrificial lamb in this situation, and what she’s probably trying to do here is make it so that Turner doesn’t come out of this automatically the good person that gets the jury vote.
Of course, inevitably Alyssa is going to tell Turner this because no one in this house can keep a secret. (We should also note that Brittany told Alyssa a number of things that Turner has said about her and Kyle — let’s just say some stuff that the two of them did together in the house this season.) So Alyssa is upset after all of this, and Brittany is upset to be in the position that she’s in.
Will this change anything?
Well, here’s the risk — if the house picks up on how close Monte and Taylor suddenly are after their kissing session earlier today, you never know. Taylor distanced herself from Brittany somewhat before the Veto, and hasn’t spent as much time with her the past 24 hours. We still think it’s smart to keep Taylor over Alyssa, but we can’t predict what Brittany is going to do.
What do you think is going to be coming up next for Brittany in Big Brother 24 after all this mess?
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