Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Messy endgames (day 70)

Monte Taylor Big Brother

Isn’t it funny that we’re so close to the final four in Big Brother 24 and yet, it’s still hard to know what all the remaining players will do? There are final two deals and yet, everyone is playing everyone else on some measure.

We should start off here by issuing a reminder when it comes to the state of things this week: Brittany used her Power of Veto on herself, meaning that either Alyssa or Taylor will be evicted this week. It’s going to be Alyssa; despite a feeble campaign attempt to Brittany last night, Alyssa just doesn’t have a lot more that she can say. She’s a double-whammy in that she doesn’t win competitions and yet, she has jurors on her side. She can’t really protect anyone moving forward and beyond all that, Turner would love to bring her to the end. There’s no value in Brittany keeping her over Taylor so it doesn’t matter what Turner wants.

Now, let’s get further into just how messy things now are.

Monte – If you missed it earlier, he and Taylor had a bit of a make-out session earlier this morning. After the fact, they made it clear that they aren’t telling anyone else about it. Could this cloud whether he wants to take her to final two over Turner? It could, but we’re going to assume that he’s sticking with his bro until he says otherwise. He does genuinely like Taylor, but we wonder if he thinks this would cause Taylor to keep him if she’s casting a deciding vote moving forward.

Taylor – She may very well think the same thing as Monte after the make-out session: Will he be more likely to keep her now? We still think Taylor’s desired path to the end is with Brittany, but getting there would be tough. Her plan is to take out Turner at final four and then things get trickier. If she votes out Monte, she’ll have to explain the move in a pretty game-specific way — she wants to win, and Brittany gives her the best chance.

Brittany – Her goal is to make it to final two with Taylor, and she actually is a big threat moving into the final four Veto. There’s usually a big memory component to this and she has studied a lot. She has an alliance with Taylor but she just has to win and focus only on that. She’s not trusting what Turner and Monte are telling her and reiterated that last night.

Turner – While Turner did tell Brittany what she wanted to hear last night about being open to still working with her, we don’t think he meant it and would rather take Taylor to final three with Monte. It IS interesting to note, though, that Turner didn’t tell Monte every detail about his conversation with Brittany. He’s doing enough to make sure that he could be picked by her to stay if Brittany wins the final four Veto over Monte.

Who do you think has the easiest path to the end on Big Brother 24?

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