Is Big Brother 24 new tonight on CBS, delayed by NFL football?
Well, we should kick things off here by stating some of the good and bad news. The good news is that you will have a chance to see more of the reality show tonight. However, you are going to be stuck waiting for a little while to check it out.
The earliest that tonight’s new episode is going to air is 8:30 p.m. Eastern, but it could be a little bit later depending on what happens as a whole this afternoon with the NFL regular season getting underway. We’ll have a few more updates as time goes on here.
For those wondering what you’re going to see tonight, let’s just say there is a LOT that the episode is going to bring to the table. As is often the case following a double eviction, some time will be spent showing some of what happened during Michael’s exit that you didn’t see — there were conversations during commercial breaks, and also some Diary Rooms that were recorded after the fact. It feels like from our vantage point that Turner wasn’t 100% sold on getting out Michael, Monte forced his hand by using the Veto. That put him in a position where he felt like he had to make the big move.
From there, you’re also going to have a chance to see a new Head of Household Competition and the beginnings of a whole new week. If you want to learn more about who won that / how the week unfolded, we suggest that you go ahead and visit the link here. We post live feed updates every single day, just in case you weren’t already aware of that. This is a pivotal time in the game, and almost every move from here on out will directly impact whether or not we see certain players win or lose the game.
What do you want to see on tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are more updates coming that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: CBS.)