Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte’s decision (day 67)

Monte Taylor Big Brother

This weekend is a big one in the Big Brother 24 house when it comes to determining the path to the endgame. Is everyone thinking and planning ahead to the best of their ability? This is definitely worth thinking about from all angles, but especially for Monte.

Based on some of the Head of Household’s conversations both before and after Brittany won the Veto, we’ve gotten a pretty good sense of what he’s planning for the week. Now, it is more or less confirmed. He told us viewers directly that he is not nominating Turner as a replacement nominee alongside Alyssa. Why? He recognizes that if he does that, the odds are high that Turner will get evicted. He needs him there as a shield at final four and beyond just that, he’s got a final two with him. This is where things get more interesting to us: Monte seems inclined to honor that.

Would Monte beat Turner in a final four? It’d make for an interesting vote. Monte would probably beat him based on his social game; he’d for sure get the support of Terrance and Joseph (and we think Michael), whereas Turner would probably have Alyssa. We do think Monte is smart to go with Turner to the end over Taylor, since Taylor could have a better chance beating him and certainly has a great case as an early-game underdog. (We like Taylor more than Turner personally, but we’re trying to take that out of it.)

Related Check out more Big Brother 24 updates, including daily live-feed chatter

The thing that Monte is missing right now is he’s letting his frustration with Brittany cloud her actual capacity to win at the end — he beats her easily and if Alyssa does go this week. (He confirmed that he will evict Alyssa over Taylor if the vote is tied.) Monte’s upset right now because Brittany tried to claim that the jury would question him if he didn’t take out Turner this week, and he did not take kindly to that assertion.

While Monte has not directly told Taylor she’s going up, he did note it’s a possibility. He indicated that he knows Turner would go out if he’s up, and he needs Turner there to go after Brittany. (Taylor’s more astutely aware that Brittany would be a great final-two partner; she would clobber her in a final vote.)

Do you think Monte going to the final two with Turner in Big Brother 24 is the right play?

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