Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Who won final five Veto?
First things first, let’s set the table. Monte won the Head of Household Competition and after that, he nominated Alyssa and Brittany. There was a lot of anti-Brittany sentiment in the game yesterday (and for much of the past week), but the gamer in Monte knew that Alyssa was a much larger jury threat and that was something that would need to be taken care of down the road.
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Is Brittany winning Veto the best-case scenario for Monte, other than him winning it himself? It might be! Brittany is the Veto winner, and in between this and almost winning this past HoH competition, it seems like being close to Michael for so long caused some of his comp ability to rub off on her.
Monte does have a big decision to make her: Does he nominate Turner or Taylor as a replacement nominee? At the moment, it looks like he’s thinking more about Taylor since he’s worried that if Turner will go home if he goes up. From here, it becomes Taylor versus Alyssa and there are reasons to consider both. Taylor is much better at competitions, and there’s a chance that she will fight to keep Brittany in the game. Alyssa is more likely to target Brittany, and she absolutely stinks in comps. As someone rooting for Taylor, hopefully Monte sees Turner’s attachment to Alyssa and understands the value of getting her out of the game. Brittany would vote to evict Alyssa and he could break the tie.
What do you think about Brittany winning the Veto in the Big Brother 24 house today?
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