Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Nomination plan; scenarios!
We’ll be the first to admit that the feeds have been by and large quiet since overnight, which is no shock given that some players were up until five or six in the morning. Monte won the extremely late-night Head of Household, which we foolishly stayed up to 1:30 a.m. for thinking that it’d be over. (It wasn’t.) He made it clear soon after that his plan was to nominate Alyssa and Brittany; he’d prefer for Alyssa to leave since she’s the larger jury threat, and he has a chance to make that happen.
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Since Monte hasn’t woken up and tried to scramble over the past few hours, we tend to think that plan is set and it makes 100% sense. He’s got a tight bond with both Turner and Taylor, and we don’t think he wants either in jeopardy. He told Taylor early this morning that he doesn’t want to take a shot at Turner right now since he’s a shield for at least a little while longer. (Clearly, Monte is worried that if Turner gets cut this week, someone will take him out at final four — makes sense.) Ideally, he’d want a final three of himself, Taylor, and Brittany. That was discussed earlier on this week.
Of course, Monte is also aware that while he is HoH, his control is somewhat limited at this point in the game. If Taylor wins Veto and takes Brittany down, then he has no choice but to nominate Turner. Then, the women can vote Turner out, which gives Taylor a nice move for her resume. We gotta wait until Veto to see what could happen there, but with Michael gone from the game we think there’s going to be a lot of scrambling to see who can be the new power player. Right now, we think it’s Monte over Turner; in general, it feels like he’s going to have a lot of jury support.
Do you think this is the right Big Brother 24 nomination plan for Monte?
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