Big Brother 24: Was Terrance Higgins evicted, sent to jury?
Terrance is an interesting player in the game for a multitude of reasons. For starters, it’s not all that often that we see one of the older houseguests make it this far. Some of that is due to him being adaptable, whereas another part is due to him not being much of a threat. Depending on how that backstage twist went earlier on in the season (had Paloma not left), he could’ve been evicted at that point. We noted this earlier today, but his biggest game mistake remains him being unable to actually develop real loyalty with other people. No one could trust him and when that happens, you’re doomed to be evicted.
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Were there conversations during the past few days about saving him? Sure, with the main consideration being that Terrance is not anywhere near the same sort of jury threat as Alyssa — Kyle will rally for her and she has other friends there. The biggest benefit to keeping Alyssa is that she stinks in the competitions and she’s easy to take out at any time; Terrance is at least moderately better, and he’s also far more of a gamer. He may not always be a great gamer, but he tries.
Terrance’s speech was honestly not as exciting as we expected — he mostly just reminded everyone of jury and told them to not “play in fear.” That didn’t do anything, as we saw Terrance be sent out of the game unanimously. No real shock there — now, we’ll see if he actually has an impact on jury. For the time being, we think that what Kyle told them is influencing them enough already in terms of Michael.
What did you think about Terrance Higgins and his game on Big Brother 24?
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