Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Pawn plans & campaigns (day 64)
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Let’s start things off with Terrance, who is very much still campaigning and making it seem to Taylor that he could have Monte and Turner on his side. Everyone is still just telling the guy what he wants to hear. We’re honestly not mad at him for trying, given that this is the sort of thing that we’d want for any Big Brother player. Don’t give up! The problem is that no one trusts him and he’s given them more or less zero reason to want to work with him moving forward. His goose is cooked.
Meanwhile, everyone else is trying their best to plan for the future, including Michael, Turner, and Monte, who are continuing to play along with the idea of this as an alliance. They’ve spoken about conflicting stories told to them by Terrance and Brittany, and also discussed targeting Brittany moving forward. Turner claims he wants Alyssa to win HoH since she could target Brittany, and here is where this week gets funny: There’s a lot of people making these strange assumptions that Brittany doing a terrible job the past 24 hours means that she’ll actually go out the door. If Michael is vulnerable, you take him out! Meanwhile, Monte, Turner, and Taylor are all bigger jury threats than her. She is the convenient option, but this isn’t the part of the season where you play a convenient game.
There’s also a lot of talk about using Alyssa as a pawn to make sure that Brittany goes — which is, once again, possible … but we’ll believe all of this when we see it. We think that a lot of this is just Monte and Turner trying to make sure they’re safe if Michael survives the next cycle and wins HoH at final five. This entire week is really about contingency plans; strategy is taking somewhat of a back seat here in favor of just whether or not Michael wins comps. We’ll believe that until we see otherwise.
Do you think there’s anything that Terrance can do to save himself in Big Brother 24?
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