Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The future after Kyle (day 56)
Let’s begin here with a quick recap of where things stand: Turner had nominated Taylor and Brittany, but Michael removed Brittany with his Veto yesterday and Kyle went up in his place. Of course, writing all that is really derivative given all that happened, from Kyle being outed for wanting to start an anti-Cookout alliance earlier this season to a house meeting (which wasn’t shown on feeds) to Kyle admitting to what he said to a lot of heated conversations.
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Overnight, things were reasonably quiet on the Kyle front. Turner, Terrance, and Alyssa have all delicately danced around the idea that Kyle is a number for them and Taylor is now, but none of that matters since Monte isn’t going to vote to evict Taylor right now. Kyle’s a goner this week and because of that, conversations are shifting more towards the future.
One of the big subjects is inevitably finding the right time to take a shot at Michael, and Monte does want to do that fairly soon. Brittany has known that for a while, but she’s kept some of that information to herself. She knows on some level she can’t beat Michael at the end, but she still feels like next week is too soon. She’s actually considering having Monte at final three with her and Taylor instead, as she thinks there’s a better chance she could beat him.
So what is the boot order in Brittany’s head? We think the ideal move would be the if her, Taylor, or Michael win the next HoH, they nominate Alyssa and Terrance. Then, if one of them wins Veto, they can nominate Turner. Nobody wants to put him up outright after this week, but this is a way they’d feel more comfortable doing it. Brittany is not so worried about Terrance, as his HoH was actually just him placing second and he seemingly had an advantage in his Veto due to the wind.
We can understand on some level wanting Turner out before Michael, but after that? We think you gotta get him out ASAP. He’s just TOO good at the game.
Where do you think things are going to go in Big Brother 24 today?
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