Big Brother 24: Was Nicole Layog or Taylor Hale evicted?

Nicole Layog Big Brother

Was Nicole Layog evicted on tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode? Entering it, we had a good sense of what’s going to happen. Also, how this eviction will go down in history.

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We don’t want to get too hyperbolic here in calling Daniel using the Veto the worst decision ever, mostly because we live in a world where Marcellas exists or where Lawon thought he was going to get super-powers after he left the house. However, it was pretty bad for him to allow his best friend to go up on the block, especially when multiple people told him not to. He and Nicole thought they were smarter than everyone else and had figured everything out, when the reality is that is not the case. This is going to cause a huge ripple effect through the rest of the season. Alyssa could have been evicted here, which would have insulated the Leftovers further and also kept Kyle away from a showmance. Also, Nicole is competitive enough to conceivably win Head of Household down the line. Because of Daniel’s decision, he is now in a spot where he doesn’t have a real partner moving forward.

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We’re writing all of this as though Nicole is already gone, mostly because that has been the #1 narrative throughout most of the past couple of days. Will that actually change in the game?

Well, no. Nicole is gone, after a speech in which she promised poached eggs while also saying that she will play the game with humility and grace. (Wait, what?) The only person to vote to save Nicole was Daniel, not that this was much of a surprise.

Were you convinced that Nicole Layog would be evicted moving into tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode?

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