Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Who won the Veto, week 4?

Big Brother

Who won the week 4 Power of Veto within the Big Brother 24 house? We know that there is a plan in place already entering the competition and honestly, it’s hard to imagine many situations where said plan doesn’t come to fruition.

So what can we say right now? Well, there are technically seven people drawn to take part here: Head of Household Monte, plus his besties in Terrance and Joseph, and then also nominees Alyssa & Indy and then Daniel & Kyle. We suspected going into the competition that Monte / Joseph / Terrance would only get to select two people to take part in this.

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No matter who won, our suspicion was that they would use it and then allow for Nicole & Taylor to go up as replacement nominee. The only exception would be if Daniel, for whatever reason, was too nervous about Nicole being evicted that he fought against Kyle on using it. Otherwise, nothing in this draw suggested to us that Alyssa & Indy would remain on the block.

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Enough setup: Let’s go ahead and get to who actually won the competition this week! It was … Daniel & Kyle! This is officially the most hilarious outcome. It gives us at least the opportunity to see Nicole evicted after her BFF in the game wins the Veto — wouldn’t this be absolutely brutal? It’s also assured if he loses it. The other question we have to wonder is what happens here in the event that he and Kyle can’t come to a consensus here, and what sort of chaos that could cause.

We’ll have more on the aftermath later; for now, just know that either Alyssa or Nicole is leaving the game this week pending some sort of dramatic shift in the game.

What do you think about the Power of Veto winner within the Big Brother 24 house?

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