Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 4 Veto players! (day 25)

Monte Taylor Big Brother

Welcome to day 25 of the Big Brother 24 house — otherwise known as Veto day! There is a lot of fun stuff coming in the house, especially as we wait and see if Head of Household Monte ends up succeeding in his plan.

Here is what we can tell you right now: Last night, Monte nominated Alyssa & Indy for eviction, and had to reassure Indy after the fact that she wouldn’t be evicted in almost any circumstance. His target is Nicole, but we think he’d be okay with Alyssa being sent out, as well. The real priority is just getting out a number that would be against the Leftovers.

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This morning the Veto players were drawn … so who is officially taking part in the next competition? Because Monte, Joseph, and Terrance are technically a trio, there are SEVEN people competing for the Veto today; these three were joined by Alyssa & Indy and then Kyle & Daniel. We wonder if Monte / Joseph / Terrance will just pick two people to take part, since otherwise it is easy to say that this could be a little unfair. We just hope that there’s a little bit more of an actual competition this time since last week’s Veto was one of the more ridiculous outings we can remember.

For those wondering, Nicole IS suspicious that she is going to be leaving this week, but she isn’t going to even get a chance to compete and/or throw anything this time around. We expect that everyone playing today will fight on some level except for maybe Kyle. We can’t see him wanting to be in a position where he has to decide to save Alyssa or not; he wants her out of the game, but he also doesn’t want to make that clear.

What do you most want to see when it comes to the Veto today in the Big Brother 24 house?

Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are other updates ahead and, of course, we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: CBS.)

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