Better Call Saul season 6 episode 10: Will Kim Wexler return?

Better Call Saul season 6

As we look towards Better Call Saul season 6 episode 10, let alone the rest of the season, we’re able to ask big-time questions. Take, for example, whether we have truly reached the end of the road now for Kim Wexler.

For the time being, it is clear that she and Jimmy are done. It wasn’t just seeing Howard die that was the problem; it was then having to lie to Cheryl at his memorial at HHM. She realized that while she loved Jimmy, they made each other worse. Their version of “fun” created too much pain for everyone else. With that in mind, she said her goodbye and took off in the closing minutes to a destination unknown.

Have you watched our latest Better Call Saul review yet? Take a look below for everything we had to say about this past episode. Once you do, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for even more discussions down the road.

If there is any hope we can give you that Kim still has more story to tell, let’s just say this: Everyone involved in the show is keeping their cards close to the vest. When asked this very question by Deadline, here is what executive producer Peter Gould had to say:

Well, that remains to be seen. I mean it certainly looks like [she and Jimmy] have broken up. Is it the last of Kim Wexler, I mean we’ll have to see.

We do think that we could see Kim again in the Gene flash-forwards — after all, she could have figured out where he was given that they had the book containing the vacuum repair guy in it! Also, she’s got roots not too far from Omaha based on what we’ve seen in some of the flashbacks already. We’re not giving up, even if this show isn’t always that hopeful…

What do you think about the events of Better Call Saul season 6 episode 9?

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