Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Power of Veto aftermath (day 4)

Indy Santos Big Brother

Earlier today the Power of Veto Competition took place within the Big Brother 24 house — so where do things stand now? How has the house settled down?

First, of course a quick refresher: Michael and Terrance were the nominees coming into today, but Michael won the Veto this afternoon! This means that he’ll (of course) take himself off the block, and things are going to get even more chaotic down the road now. If you are Head of Household Daniel, how do you handle the game moving forward? There are a couple of options: You can play things reasonably safe and try to protect your hide, or you can make a big move.

(If you haven’t already, we suggest that you bookmark our Big Brother update page for more from the live feeds all season.)

From what we have seen in the game as of this writing, it looks more like we are going to see Daniel got the safer route. He entertained the idea of going after one of the guys, but has since started to navigate more towards either Indy or Taylor. Jasmine, as of this writing, was pushing him more in the direction of Indy, and we absolutely get her being an easy target. She could be good down the road in some comps, but more than that she’s just disconnected from a lot of the game. In the end, she’s just not someone who would be egregiously missed by a ton of people in the house if she were to leave at this point, and that seems to be what Daniel wants. (We also don’t think he wants to upset the apple cart with some of the guys, who he has an “alliance” with as of right now and he can keep that presentation going.)

Of course, where things get interesting is what happens if Terrance and Indy are on the block together. We don’t see either one as a huge game threat right now, so when it comes to campaigns this could be a toss-up. We just hope someone shows a killer instinct in here at some point! For the time being, that is absolutely what a lot of people in the game are lacking.

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What do you think is going to happen over the next couple of days within the Big Brother 24 house?

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