Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 1 Veto players! (day 4, morning)

Daniel Durston Big Brother

The week 1 Veto players were chosen earlier today in the Big Brother 24 house … want to know who is taking part?

The first order of business we really should share here is a pretty simple reminder of what happened yesterday: Head of Household Daniel has nominated Michael and Terrance and of the two, we do think Michael is more of the target. However, there is so much time for everything to change the rest of the week.

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(By the way, remember to bookmark our live-feed update page. We’ll have more of these coming every day all season.)

Let’s get into the Veto players now. The HoH always plays in the US version of the show, as do the nominees. Joining Daniel, Michael, and Terrance are Ameerah, Turner, and Indy. It’s a decent draw for the nominees since we’re not sure any of the others feel pressure to win. (Indy probably should, but we don’t know how tapped-in she’s going to be. Kyle is set to be the host.)

The real thing that will be interesting from the competition today is what happens if either of the nominees win. There is a potentially-formidable alliance forming in Mamba, which consists of Michael, Monte, Ameerah, Alyssa, Kyle, and Paloma. We know that they would want to protect Michael, but Alyssa/Paloma don’t have votes this week due to the Backstage twist. If Michael wins and removes himself, what happens if another person in this alliance goes up? It’s unlikely since Indy and Taylor are potential replacements, but you do have to think about it. If nominations remain the same, they still have to convince others to keep Michael and not all the guys are interested in doing that.

Other alliance news…

There is a “Motley Crew” (which probably will be forced to change their name for copyright reasons) of Daniel, Turner, and Pooch, but Daniel doesn’t treat it seriously: He’s already told his real #1 in Nicole about it. It’s still so early that we can’t call ANY alliance that dominant right now.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 24 right away

Who do you want to see win the Power of Veto in the Big Brother 24 house a little later today?

Let us know right now in the comments! Also, be sure to come back for even more updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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