Big Brother 24 spoilers: Julie Chen Moonves on big eviction night twist

Big Brother

Unfortunately, it’s true that we are still waiting for a Big Brother 24 cast reveal — but we can discuss some other things!

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In particular, one of the things we’re happy to get into today is what you’re going to see almost right away this season — at least in the first live eviction. The producers are, unsurprisingly, going to throw some big twists at the players this season, and that includes something that could lead to a huge surprise. Here’s what host Julie Chen Moonves had to say in an interview with Us Weekly:

“I think the big headline is [that] the first live eviction night is going to be unlike any eviction night we’ve ever had because it may not be one of the people that you think that ends up getting bounced that night … These houseguests aren’t going to learn of this new twisted twist until that night. So your head is gonna be spinning this season.”

The real question we’re left to ponder with this is whether or not this is a good thing. Will the person getting evicted even deserve it? We understand the need for twists, mostly in that they keep the show fresh and generate a LOT of drama. However, we also think there’s a real risk that if you do this too much, you dilute your product. This is something that we saw become a big issue on the past couple seasons of Survivor. We still had some great moments in there, but also ones where the twists took away from the players.

Ultimately, we don’t want to make any harsh judgments before the season plays out, largely because there’s still a lot of time to go and there may be some other reasons why these twists are interesting.

For those wondering, the house this season is going to have a real BB Motel theme — which on the surface sounds pretty cool. Hopefully, we’ll still feel that way when we see the house itself.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24

What are you most hoping to see from Big Brother 24 when it premieres?

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