P-Valley season 2 episode 6 preview: Mercedes has a secret…

P-Valley season 2

After tonight’s enormous, emotional episode focused on Keyshawn, P-Valley season 2 episode 6 could push the show in another direction.

To be specific, you are going to be seeing more of an emphasis on the whole ensemble — and in particular, local politics and business ventures. What happens when you get power? What do you choose to do with it? Andre’s got some big decisions on his hand.

Meanwhile, the same could be said for Mercedes, who needs to figure out how to handle some new, very-personal developments. What happened with her and Farrah was not a big part of this weekend’s episode, but you are going to see it play a major role in what’s coming up next. She wants to keep things under wraps — but how long will that really work? It’s something that we expect won’t just stop and not be a discussion for the rest of the season.

The future of The Pynk is still something that is hanging in the balance to a certain extent here — how will it not be? That’s going to be a part of the world for most of this season, which is no shock given what we’ve seen with current events being woven into the show.

Of course, we do also think the remnants from tonight’s Keyshawn episode will be felt for some time, and intentionally so. This episode is another reminder of just how this show is capable of mixing as many different genres into a single hour as possible. Sure, there are often fun moments within the P-Valley world, but so much of what we saw with Keyshawn in this episode was downright devastating. How will she continue to find her way forward within this horrific situation that she’s in at the moment? We already know that Woddy taking out Rome via overdose is going to be a key part in the narrative moving forward.

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