Big Brother 24: Why is there no cast reveal just yet?
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It may sound somewhat hard to believe, but we do think there is a reason why the network hasn’t released them yet — beyond just the network tormenting fans and Julie Chen Moonves posting photos of herself on the beach.
A lot of it may just have to do with them making 100% sure that they are comfortable with the 16 people they’ve selected — and also that they don’t have a situation where a houseguest is swapped out last-minute due to a positive test. They are also clearly investing more of their promotion money into The Challenge USA, which they probably think they need to promote more. People are going to watch Big Brother no matter what, especially those eagerly demanding some sort of cast reveal online. It may be frustrating, but the truth remains that the network knows that they HAVE a lot of these people. Recruiting new fans may happen by word of mouth as much as any promotion that they put out at this point.
We understand a lot of the thinking behind waiting to release the cast until you’re 100% confident. Waiting until Friday (at the earliest) is a little bit troublesome. A lot of people are going to treat July 4 as a four-day weekend this year, and beyond today the next “normal” day to release news is Tuesday … the day before the premiere. Because there isn’t any news out there today on the cast, things are going to be weird no matter when the show puts it out there. Clearly, this is the trade-off for the decisions that CBS and show producers have decided to make.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24 right now
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