Big Brother 24 video: Past contestants offer alliance advice

Big Brother 23

Leading up to the premiere for Big Brother 24 on CBS next month, we’ve got another bit of discussion today courtesy of a new video.

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If you look below, you can see past contestants Tiffany, Kyland, Xavier, Azah, and Enzo all share what makes a strong alliance within this game. They would all know this in some way. Enzo was a part of dominant alliances in seasons 12 and 23, while Tiffany, Kyland, Xavier, and Azah dominated last season as a part of the Cookout. They all do have some good perspective on all of this.

From an outside perspective, we think the most important part of an alliance is maintaining and/or balancing out relationships. The truth here is that every alliance always has a top and a bottom, but the last thing you want is for other people to become aware of that along the way. You have to do everything in your power to make every single person feel comfortable, and like they are a part of the crew going to the end with you. Also, it’s important to make sure you don’t get caught in too many conversations together. This is a part of what both the Brigade and the Cookout did so effectively in big parts of their season.

It really feels like a sure thing that there’s going to be another big alliance in season 24 — it almost always happens! What will be interesting is seeing whether certain players can realize if they are on the bottom and try to adapt. We’ve seen that happen here and there; yet, we’ve also seen situations like in season 23 where the dominant players steamroll the whole way through and make it to the very end.

This new video is meant to be cross-promotion for The Challenge and of course, we’re super-curious to learn how some of these players will do there. Enzo, for example, was never known as a competition beast.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Big Brother 24?

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