Big Brother 24 video: Past houseguests offer some advice

Big Brother 24

We know we’ll be waiting for a little while longer to meet the Big Brother 24 cast — most likely, that will happen at the end of the month. So what is the CBS show offering us while we wait? Think in terms of some advice from recent houseguests … ones who also happen to be a part of the upcoming The Challenge USA.

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Since the network had Alyssa, Tiffany, Xavier, Angela, and more in the same space, they decided to put together a new video where they all give some advice to future houseguests as to how to best play the game. There are a couple of good nuggets in here, though in general we think the best advice is always to be adaptable and good jury management! This is not a show that has the same situations play out  week in and week out, and you really have to know that before you ever even decide to take part in it. It’s a very situational game with different personalities and twists; you need to be adaptable to what’s happening and roll with the punches.

Based on most early scuttlebutt, it feels like we are going to get all-new players for the second straight season. There is also a live move-in on July 6, which means that we’ll all have a front-row seat to the early alliances and the game moves that come together. This is something that we had for the past couple of seasons that we very-much enjoyed; we hope it continues to be a part of things moving forward.

Will there be a twist? We have to assume so, but that’s not something that the producers have shared yet. They’ll probably wait until their cast is officially in sequester.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24

What do you most want to see from the Big Brother 24 cast, beyond of course the reveal itself?

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