Power Book IV: Force season 2: Is the whole story mapped out?
As Joseph Sikora himself re-posted on his Instagram Stories today, the final day of the season 2 writers’ room is upon us; with that, it’s really now up to the cast, crew, and producers to put a lot of glorious words onto the screen.
Check out our full review now of the Power Book IV: Force season 1 finale! There’s a lot that we get into below, and it sets the stage for season 2! Once you check it out, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for other updates across the entire franchise.
As so many of you probably know, production has been underway on season 2 for a little while now in Chicago, but will likely be ongoing for the next several months. There is no premiere date yet and honestly, we’d be shocked if it turns up before 2023. There’s just a lot of other stuff that Starz has on their schedule, and that includes new seasons of both Power Book III: Raising Kanan this August and then Power Book II: Ghost — which is hopefully going to be this fall.
While nothing is confirmed as of yet when it comes to the future of Force, our feeling is that it will probably kick off showing what the new state of Chicago looks like following the death of Liliana. Tommy will pivot his operation and with that, we’ll come to learn more of who is with him and against him. It could prove complicated, but we’re hoping the story builds to an exciting place as some new and old faces enter the mix. Power veteran Gary Lennon is on board as the season 2 showrunner, and he was one of the most important caretakers of Tommy for many years on the original series.
Related – Check out some more news in regards to Power Book IV: Force right now
Where do you think Tommy’s story is going to go moving into Power Book IV: Force season 2?
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