Legendary season 4: Is it renewed or canceled over at HBO Max?


Following the big finale today on HBO Max, can we expect a Legendary season 4 renewal over at HBO Max? Or, are we at the end of the road?

The first thing that we would say here is that on paper, it feels clear that the show would be back for more. There is a dedicated following here and honestly, the folks at HBO Max likely know already how desperately they need a show like this in order to continually have reality programming. It is one that has a specific format, and that’s not something that they have to change all that much in order for it to be a success week in and week out.

Of course, the big determining factor here in figuring out the future is something that we can’t quite specify right now: How good the show is in the ratings. Nothing is confirmed on that subject as of now! It’s why the renewal status is uncertain, since the streaming service is the only party that really knows if the show is a big hit or firmly in the middle of the pack. Odds are, they will specify this further over the next couple of months, mostly to ensure that there’s not some huge wait before a season 4 comes on the service.

So, provided that we do get more episodes down the road, our feeling right now is that we’ll see them in the relatively near future. Our hope is that season 4 would premiere in early 2023; that way, the show can retain its viewers and people don’t forget about it. Of course, it’s not necessarily something that viewers have to watch right away, but we do think that helps greatly when it comes to being able to show HBO Max there is a legitimate demand for more.

Related Check out some other updates now when it comes to Legendary

What do you most want to see when it comes to a Legendary season 4?

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