Better Call Saul season 6 return date: What could we see next?

Better Call Saul season 6

As many of you know, we’re in the midst of a Better Call Saul season 6 hiatus at the moment — but that doesn’t mean we won’t see any coverage along the way!

So what sort of good stuff could AMC be giving to us while we sit around and wait for more stories to come on the air? We don’t think that we’re going to be experiencing some sort of terrible content-drought here…

Watch our new Better Call Saul review now! Take a look below to see what we had to say about the LAST big story: The death of Howard Hamlin. Once you check that out, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates coming through the rest of the series.

The one thing you probably shouldn’t expect between now and the July 11 return date is a plethora of additional footage. There’s no real reason for the network to hand a lot of that out when the show tends to be pretty secretive. That will of course increase exponentially as we get closer to the end of the road here.

What you can expect to see, however, is a series of fun behind-the-scenes teases and other cool stuff that really allows the cast and crew to shine. They all understand how important this show is and with that, they’ll give you some quotes, one-liners, and interviews to prepare you for what lies ahead? In early July, we many get a tiny synopsis for season 6 episode 8, and we suppose a ten or fifteen-second teaser could surface. Anything beyond that, however, is wishful thinking.

Just remember this: AMC isn’t going to keep you hanging through the entire hiatus. They have no reason to do that!

What do you think we’ll see leading up to the return of Better Call Saul season 6?

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