Big Brother 24 cast reveal: When can we expect it to happen?

Big Brother 23

Now that a premiere date has been announced, there’s one more Big Brother 24 question to ask: When’s the cast reveal?

If you have been a part of this fandom for a long time, then you already know the answer to this: You are going to be waiting for a good while. This is not a series that rushes into this part of the preseason, mostly because they finalize their cast close to the last minute. That’s even more the case for the seasons where they have the live premieres — there’s no 100% confirmation that is happening this time around, but we’re hopeful.

Last year, Big Brother 23 premiered on July 7; the cast reveal, meanwhile, was on July 1. If we are meant to see a similar trajectory this time around, you can expect to see the cast on June 30 leading up to the start on July 6. We’re sure they’ll release the cast at some point before the first episode airs, but CBS knows that they don’t have to rush anything here. This is a case for a format being so strong that viewers are going to watch regardless.

The most important thing for the Big Brother 24 cast is that it represents a broad spectrum of people, and that there are also real personalities as opposed to archetypes. We know that CBS has promised that at least 50% of their reality casts moving forward will be BIPOC in nature, so we’ll hold them to that and see what happens. The personalities can often be harder to gauge as viewers until a week or two into the show. The live feeds give a lot away; you can only keep up a personal for so long, unless you are of course some crazy mastermind player like a Derrick.

Related Get some more news on the season, including the supposedly all-new cast

What are you most hoping to see as we prepare in advance for Big Brother 24?

Be sure to share some of your thoughts and hopes in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are other updates coming that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: The CW.)

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