Better Call Saul season 6 episode 7 spoilers: Jimmy scrambles for a reboot

Better Call Saul season 6

Tonight on AMC, Better Call Saul season 6 episode 7 is going to be here and per all current indications, this is going to be a story like no other. This is the last one before a lengthy hiatus, and also one where Jimmy McGill will stop at nothing to execute his latest plan against Howard Hamlin.

After all, we are what Jimmy and Kim are calling D-Day — if they don’t move forward with the plan now, what other opportunity are they going to have?

New Better Call Saul video! Take a look below if you want to watch our take on this past episode. Once you do just that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube and keep coming back for other updates, including a review of episode 7 later tonight!

One of the issues that we’ve seen the two run into so far comes down to Judge Casimero; or, at the very least the real Judge Casimero. They shot some footage featuring a fake that for a good period of time, they were happy with. They thought that this was going to be enough to get them what they want, only to realize after the fact that this was not entirely the case. The real judge has a broken arm!

In a sneak peek over at TVLine, you can see Bob Odenkirk’s character doing everything he can to correct some of his mistakes, offering to pay his judge stand-in $300 to ditch his grocery-store job and work with him for 90 minutes. When he balks at that offer, Saul raises it to $400, plus a lawsuit against his boss if he gets fired for skipping out on work. He is manipulative in all the ways that you would expect from Jimmy, and that may be enough in order to get him to sign on to the plan.

Of course, there are probably a couple more twists coming, so go ahead and expect that in advance. We can’t even say if this plan will end up being a success! Sure, we know that Jimmy ends up being a huge success, but what is the cost of doing business?

What do you most want to see when it comes to Better Call Saul season 6 episode 7?

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(Photo: AMC)

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