Better Call Saul season 6 theory: Is Kim Wexler waiting in Nebraska?
So could Kim actually end up in Nebraska? Is a lot of the info we have a red herring at the moment?
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There has been some evidence for a while that Kim would be close to the greater Omaha area. Take, for her example, her being a fan of the Kansas City Royals! That’s not a time you probably love unless you have some geographic connection to the area. Add to this the emergence of Ed the vacuum repair guy in episode 6 and also the Nebraska license plate we saw from Kim’s mom.
We know that it’s easy to assume that with all of this, maybe Kim left Albuquerque and is waiting for Jimmy in Nebraska — and maybe, he set up Ed to ensure that his new identity would be created in Omaha. It’s a fun, hopeful theory that suggests the two found a way to escape their situation in New Mexico alive. There’s just one problem: Why hasn’t Kim visited Gene? Meanwhile, why is he so miserable?
If we had to guess right now, it’s that Kim simply may not be there yet for whatever reason, and there’s no guarantee that she will. Our hope is that if this theory proves to be correct, episode 7 gives us a little bit more in the way of evidence. We’re still not giving up on hope for a reunion — we probably won’t unless the writers go ahead and kill Kim off.
Do you think Kim will eventually arrive to Nebraska on Better Call Saul season 6?
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