Better Call Saul season 6 episode 7 photo: Jimmy is waiting…
So is the photo above a sign of one of the major events to come? It certainly could be, the more you think about it…
New Better Call Saul video! Take a look below to get some more insight all about this past episode of the series. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube and remember — we’ll be here Monday night to break down everything that happens in episode 7!
This image focuses on Jimmy, seemingly as Saul, sitting alone in a park. Who wants to bet that this is a part of his latest Judge Casimero plan? There’s a chance that he will re-take some images with the same double as before, except this time accounting for the judge’s broken arm. This will allow him and Kim to get photos out there suggesting a bribe is afoot. While the specifics and the endgame of all of this remain unclear, we think that the two are out to make Howard paranoid. From there, they can show that he is allowing a bias towards Jimmy get in the way of the truth, further compromising his reputation.
At this point, it’s 100% clear that they are playing the long game when it comes to screwing over Howard. Whether they succeed on Monday remains to be seen, especially when there are still six episodes to go on the other side.
What do you most want to see on Better Call Saul season 6 episode 7?
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