Young Sheldon season 6 premiere date hopes over at CBS

Young Sheldon

Following tonight’s all-important season 5 finale, why not get into a discussion concerning Young Sheldon season 6? What lies ahead now for the Big Bang Theory prequel show?

First things first, here is some of what we know right now. Not only is a season 6 for the show already confirmed, but so is a season 7! That will keep the series on the air until at least 2024, and we imagine that most of these seasons will be 20-22 episodes in length, as well. This is one of the biggest comedies on all of time, so of course CBS is going to want to take advantage of this for however long that they possibly can.

Earlier this week, the network made it clear that (to the surprise of no one) Young Sheldon will be remaining in its timeslot Thursday nights at 8:00 p.m. Eastern. Pending some big surprise later on in the show, we think the show will be in this timeslot for however long that it lasts. This fall it will be paired with Ghosts, which is a move to potentially boost the ratings of both of these shows. They are, after all, extremely successful.

CBS did not confirm a premiere date for season 6, but they’ll probably announce that later in the summer. All indications suggest that you’ll be seeing the show back in either the last week of September or the first week of October. This is the standard premiere window for most network shows.

So what’s coming up story-wise? We’ll get more into that down the road, but there’s a lot of lore that exists within the Big Bang Theory canon that has not been addressed here. We tend to think that this is going to be coming up at some point.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Young Sheldon now, including a larger look towards the future

What do you most want to see when it comes to Young Sheldon season 6?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are other updates coming that we don’t want you to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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