Is Kara Killmer leaving Chicago Fire? When will Sylvie Brett return?

Chicago Fire Sylvie Brett

Is Kara Killmer leaving Chicago Fireand should we actually start to think that Sylvie Brett is gone for good? How concerned should we really be? We know that the longer the character’s hiatus is from this world, the more that these questions are going to surface. It’s pretty understandable that they would, all things considered.

Well, here is what we can tell you for now: Killmer is not done with One Chicago, at least at this particular moment in time. There are plans to continue featuring the Sylvie Brett character, and you will see her most likely during the season 10 finale next week. Given that Casey is going to return for the wedding, doesn’t it make sense that we also see Sylvie there, as well?

Beyond the finale we can’t speak for the character’s future, just like we can’t speak for the future of a lot of characters at the time of this writing. The only thing that we can say is rather similar to what we have over the past few weeks: It’s pretty hard to establish Brett and Casey’s relationship when one of them is almost always off-screen. It’s the sort of thing that does make us wonder what the writers are going to plan here eventually. If Casey ever comes back to the show full-time, then we suppose it’s possible that they continue to have them date long-distance in the interim. However, there is no guarantee that this happens.

We just don’t want Brett to leave for good for a handful of reasons. For starters, Killmer puts so much heart into the role. We’ve also seen so much turnover when it comes to paramedics on this show at it is. There’s almost never been stability here, but at least she’s been someone we could count on as a consistent part of this world.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Chicago Fire right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Chicago Fire season 10 episode 22?

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