This Is Us season 6 episode 17: Nicky actor talks remaining episodes

This Is Us - Nicky

Tuesday night on This Is Usyou will see the penultimate episode of the series! With that in mind, we’d advise you to brace yourselves for just about every emotion possible. It’s going to be raw, at times heartbreaking, and above all else a tribute to the entire journey that we’ve seen so far.

It’s nice to have this time to reflect now, just as it’s nice to hear from some more actors who have been around for the journey for many years. That includes today hearing more from Griffin Dunne, who played the older version of Nicky on the past few seasons.

New This Is Us video! Take a look below to get more thoughts on where the show is going from here. Once you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There are other updates coming that we do not want you to miss.

In a video below via The Today Show, Dunne explains the emotion associated with the final episodes, and also just how happy he was to be a part of the endgame. The main conflict for him was wrapped up pretty early this season, but he’s still gotten a chance to be a part of many major events alongside his now-wife Edie, played by Vanessa Bell Calloway. We feel like this two have been essential as a source of levity, and a chance to give some valuable perspective.

Nicky is a great inspiration for so many people. He’s a reminder that it’s never too late to find love, in addition to him being such a beacon of hope for those who have gone through trauma or struggled with addiction. He went from being largely alone to rediscovering his family and happiness later on in life.

Related Be sure to get some more news on This Is Us and the road ahead

What do you most want to see for Nicky moving into This Is Us season 6 episode 17?

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