P-Valley season 2 premiere date revealed at Starz; more details

P-Valley season 2

For everyone out there who has been eagerly awaiting more news on P-Valley season 2, we’re pleased to have a premiere date now!

We’ll be the first to admit that Starz has kept all of us waiting a really long time for more news on the show. The first season premiered back in the summer of 2020, and this show like many others faced a lot of delays due to the global health crisis. Luckily, we can tell you now that the show is returning on Friday, June 3. It will be streaming on that day on the app, and will air on the linear network that night on 9:00 p.m. Eastern. This is a little bit of an unusual release pattern for Starz, who in the past typically premieres things on Sundays.

Following the premiere week, new episodes will shift to Sunday nights. Season 2 episode 2, for example, will be released on June 12, and so on for the remainder of the season.

Above, you can see the official key art for the new season. Meanwhile, take a look at the logline below to get some other insight on what’s coming:

When darkness descends upon Chucalissa, errybody and they mama must fight tooth and talon to survive. While some take flight to perilous new heights, others dig in their stilettos and stand their ground no matter the cost. Back at The Pynk, Autumn and Uncle Clifford grapple for the throne as new blood shakes up the locker room. Meanwhile, with the casino’s fate hanging in the balance, the local political machine kicks into overdrive. In these unprecedented times, death and danger lurk around every corner.

Early June is starting to feel like a pretty competitive time within the TV world; not only is this show airing, but there will also be Physical over on Apple TV+ and then also The Boys on Amazon.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to P-Valley right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to P-Valley season 2?

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