Saturday Night Live cold open mocks Supreme Court, lawmaking

Saturday Night Live

As we prepared for tonight’s Saturday Night Live hosted by Benedict Cumberbatch, it felt like there was an obvious cold open. The show often does lean into politics early on in the show, and there were headlines aplenty regarding the latest from the Supreme Court.

So what this actually to focus of the show opening? Well, they did tackle the issue of childbirth and women’s rights, but they did it in a surprising way. To be specific, they flashed back to several centuries ago, supposedly the basis for some of our current laws and decisions on the subject. It didn’t take long to figure out what the NBC show’s point here was: Why are we using things from hundreds of years ago as a precedent? Hasn’t the world changed a lot since then?

The show ended up hitting this theme home in a number of different ways — there was a lot of humor in here, even if most of it was a tad expected. This is probably not the only time the Supreme Court is referenced during the show, as we imagine it will be a subject during Weekend update a little bit later in the show.

The most surprising thing about this sketch was the presence of Cumberbatch at the start of the show — typically, hosts don’t end up appearing until the monologue unless we’re talking about a former cast member. He was totally game for playing this part, and also for sporting a ridiculous hairdo for the entirety of this. (For the record, he moved directly from this into an amusing monologue, one where he made fun of his name and said that his mother would rather be in Greece as opposed to watching him in New York do the show.)

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Saturday Night Live

What did you think about this weekend’s Saturday Night Live cold open?

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