Yellowstone season 5: Will we get a two-part premiere again?


We know there are going to be a lot of exciting things pertaining to Yellowstone season 5 worth discussing over the next couple of weeks. For the sake of this piece, though, let’s dive into a potential two-hour premiere. Is that something that the Paramount Network is going to give us?

It’s worth noting that there’s a reason to think that they could do this. They did it for season 4, and we know that it generated huge ratings for them and made it so that the premiere felt more like a legitimate event. It was something that a lot of people appreciated, especially after such a long hiatus.

However, it’s also worth noting that there were some special circumstances surrounding that big premiere. Take, for example, the fact that the network had plenty of footage at its disposal for the premiere event last year. Season 4 filmed a long time before it aired, so that gave the network more freedom to do what they wanted. Filming has yet to even begin for season 5 and yet, the plan is still for the network to premiere it later this summer. It also makes sense to stretch the show out since it gives them the opportunity to air in more weeks of a given year. We don’t think there are always advantages to giving people a lot of content all at once.

In the end, we feel like it’s possible that season 5 starts with another two-episode block, but it’s more likely that the network shifts to just giving you an episode a week this time around. That gives the production more time to get episode 2 together, and also allows Paramount more chances to shine during the year. Hopefully, we will have something more akin to a firm premiere date over the next month or two.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Yellowstone right now

Do you think we’re going to get a two-part premiere for Yellowstone season 5?

Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to keep coming back to get other updates all about the series. (Photo: Paramount Network.)

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