Better Call Saul season 6 spoilers: New episode 1, episode 2 details!
So what can we tell you about these episodes now? Well, it’s more so what we can go ahead and share courtesy of AMC!
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Take a look below for the official synopses for both of these episodes; they don’t give too much away, but we do get a sense of Nacho’s desperate situation alongside Jimmy and Kim trying to work together with a common goal in mind.
Season 6 episode 1, “Wine and Roses” – “Nacho runs for his life; Jimmy and Kim hatch a plan; Mike questions his allegiances.”
Season 6 episode 2, “Carrot and Stick” – “Harsh realities dawn on Nacho in his not-so-safe haven; Gus investigates his suspicions.”
We know already how Gus and Mike’s stories eventually conclude with Breaking Bad so with the two of them, our excitement comes more from seeing how we get from point A to point B. We’re mostly worried about Kim at this point; at least with Nacho, there’s at least some evidence that he could be alive still in the early days of the flagship show. She’s a total enigma, and we’re worried that Jimmy is 100% rubbing off on her in all of the wrong ways based on the end of last season.
What are you the most curious to see on Better Call Saul season 6 moving forward?
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