Doctor Who spoilers: Chris Chibnall teases Jodie Whittaker’s final episode
Do we expect this grand finale to be emotional? Absolutely we do, given that just about every regeneration is. (We’re still not over the one with Matt Smith.) Yet, rest assured that it’s not going to be trying to force tears down your face for the entirety of the episode’s run time. Jodie’s farewell will run the gamut from laughter to full-out sobbing, at least based on what we’re hearing at this point.
Speaking on the subject (rather cryptically) to the Radio Times, here is what outgoing showrunner Chris Chibnall had to say on the subject:
“There’ll be a lot of laughs and tears in that final episode … You want to do everything… There are some treats – Easter eggs and kisses to the past.”
With this in mind, be sure to watch this episode with very much an eagle-eyed approach. Otherwise, there’s a reasonable chance you’ll miss something and nobody wants that with a show of this nature.
Will Chibnall ever write another episode again down the road?
In a word, no. He makes that very-much clear in the same piece and we respect that. A lot of people out there like to have a feeling of definite closure, where you get a chance to move on to the next thing. (This is mostly relevant in that incoming showrunner Russell T. Davies has held the role in the past.)
What do you think we’re going to see in Jodie Whittaker’s final Doctor Who episode?
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