The Flash season 8: The Ronnie – Deathstorm reveal finally happens!

Flash season 4

For a good while now, there has been speculation that the return of Ronnie as The Flash would come in the form of Deathstorm. We’re not talking about the version we saw in season 2, but rather a true, comic-accurate version of this character. We knew the Black Flame story was leading to something big, and it’s pretty clear now just what that something is.

Of course, our hearts also go out to Caitlin, given that he finally thought she had the love of her life back. Alas, she realized soon after that this wasn’t really the case. Speaking to TVLine in a new interview, here is what Robbie Amell had to say on the subject:

“I think it’s pretty messed up that [Caitlin] finally gets her husband back after so many seasons, and he’s not the version that she’s hoping for … It’s really fun for me, because it’s always a bit more fun to get to be the bad guy — and to put Team Flash through a bit of a wringer. But it’s definitely a bummer for Caitlin.”

For Amell, we have to imagine that this is a really fun role for him to play! Isn’t it great to be a villain on a show like this? He’s certainly going to test the team moving forward, especially when it comes to how this character feeds and becomes more and more dangerous over time.

Just from the initial reactions online, we can already sense some of the hype! One of the big problems this show has had as of late is that other than the Reverse Flash, it’s been a little lacking in the villains department. The Godspeed arc had a ton of potential, but it felt like it was way too rushed by the end of the road.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Flash right now

What do you think about the Deathstorm – Ronnie reveal on The Flash season 8 tonight?

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