Magnum PI season 4 finale title: What does it mean?

Magnum PI season 4

While CBS may not have revealed a lot as of right now on the Magnum PI season 4 finale, we can dive into one thing that has us curious: The title.

This week, the next confirmed that the May 6 send-off for the season is called “Close to Home,” and that is immediately intriguing for a rather specific reason. Are we about to see the most personal case for Thomas Magnum and Juliet Higgins yet? Or, at the very least, a case that reminds them of their own lives?

With this being the end of the season, we’re sure that this is when the writers are going to hit home the themes of this season more than any other time. We know that family has been a big part of the past several months, both literally and figuratively. Both Rick and TC have experienced big changes in this way, and we know that Magnum may be thinking about his romantic future in a way than before. It feels clear that he and Higgins both have feelings for each other, but it’s hard to be both fully cognizant of them and also willing to act on them. There’s a real risk here! You have to be afraid of losing the friendship and the family you already have.

As for whether or not we’re going to be seeing a season 5 on the other side of the finale, we remain cautiously optimistic. Even if CBS has yet to give Magnum PI a green light for more, it’s hard to be anything other than confident about where things could be going from here. The ratings are there, and we do think it’s got a dedicated following of people who view this show as perfect Friday-night escapism.

What do you think is going to be coming when it comes to the Magnum PI season 4 finale?

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