Doctor Who spoilers: BBC releases new ‘Legend of the Sea Devils’ art!
The art above is the latest tease released by the BBC for the upcoming special, and to the surprise of no one Jodie Whittaker is front and center for it! Beyond just that, though, you also get a chance to see on here Mandip Gill as Yaz plus also the trademark Sea Devils themselves. In other words, one of the things most people are excited for! They are very-much and old-school Doctor Who monster and the idea here is to appeal to both new and longtime fans alike. This is a chance to test the imagination, while also present a swashbuckling adventure that should turn this series into a pirate show for a short period of time.
Of course, we should also remind you that “Legend of the Sea Devils” is designed to be the second-to-last story of Doctor Who with Jodie as the lead. The regeneration is coming, and we are expecting it in the third and final special a little bit later this year. There is no official word yet on who the next Doctor will be, though we personally are expecting that the BBC will wait to make an announcement until after at least the Easter Special. They don’t want the news of the next Doctor to completely overshadow everything that they are doing now. Just know for now that returning showrunner Russell T. Davies is already hard at work on the next era of the series.
For now, why not enjoy Doctor Who as we’ve got it? There aren’t many opportunities to see a special quite like the one we’re about to get.
Related – Get some more news on the special right now
What do you want to see from Doctor Who during “Legend of the Sea Devils”?
Do you think the Regeneration will be teased in here? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for other updates you don’t want to miss. (Photo: BBC.)