The Blacklist season 9 episode 14: Reddington, Cooper stories connected
So who is he, and why does he matter? The first thing to say here is that he’s the guy Cooper was told to move away by his blackmailer a couple of episodes ago. We also learned tonight that he came up with the prototype for the medical device that doubled as a tracker for Liz. There’s clearly someone after this guy, and we wonder if they’re the same person who ultimately planted the tracker in the first place.
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to see our full review of everything that happened with Kennison and the episode overall. Meanwhile, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are some other discussions coming all season long.
Ultimately, this story is the first substantial link we’ve had between Cooper and Reddington’s storylines since the very beginning of the season. Whoever planted this tracker was aware of Kennison on some level, and Cooper’s blackmailer doesn’t want him hurt. Is this the same person? It’s possible that the blackmailer knew that Reddington could eventually come for Andrew and with that, wanted him done away with at some point. That was, at least logically, the thing that makes the most sense. Granted, couldn’t the blackmailer have killed Kennison themselves? If they were willing to kill Liz, you gotta think that they were capable of other nefarious stuff, as well.
So clearly, there are a ton of questions STILL in the air after what we just saw tonight, but the mystery is beginning to get more complicated and with that, we’re absolutely intrigued. We just hope things are revealed in enough time that we can both get to and fully understand some of the aftermath.
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