Big Brother Canada 10 introduces ‘Chain of Safety’ Double Eviction

Big Brother Canada

What is the “Chain of Safety” Double Eviction? Well, it’s a new twist that will be coming to Big Brother Canada moving into tomorrow’s episode.

So what’s going to happen with it? That’s where things get a little bit murky. Earlier this week, the Global series teased that it wouldn’t be your typical sort of double, and we’re starting to wonder now if this will be similar to what we’ve seen early on in some Big Brother US seasons. Remember that with those, we see a series of competitions that have at times led to an eviction. Or, we imagine it’s possible that some competitions and/or decisions will gradually lead to a couple of people being on the block. Could it be a variation of the Mon Won twist from Celebrity Big Brother? You never know…

Will there be a traditional Head of Household? That remains to be seen, but we’d be shocked if there is. The base idea of this twist makes it seem like we’re going to see something gradual, as opposed to something that is a little more sudden and made by one person.

Ultimately, we just hope that whatever the twist is will allow the players to fight for their survival. This is something that we strongly disliked about the Instant Evictions from the past. We think that Double Evictions are also pretty difficult as it is, mostly because of the fact that you have very little time to make crucial, game-changing decisions.

So who is in the most danger entering such a thing? Jess has to watch out. They were just Head of Household, and we could easily see a situation emerge here where they become the easy target for a lot of different players. Consensus may end up carrying the day here over fear.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada

What do you want to see on the “Chain of Safety” Double Eviction on Big Brother Canada 10?

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