Winning Time season 1 episode 5 preview: Magic vs. Kareem?
Based on the promo that we saw after tonight, there could be a rather delicate issue at the start of the hour. Magic is the less experienced of the two players and yet, he is the one put into the spot where he has to be considered the leader. This is not the easiest position in the world for someone to be in, and we know we’re going to see some stories about this struggle. It’s inevitable that this is going to be the case.
So how will Magic figure out how to be a leader, on and off the court? Maybe that will be a part of the story, but we don’t think it’s going to surprise anyone all that much. This is the sort of thing where we already know how it ends and with that in mind, we don’t think the entirety of the hour will be focused on that.
Instead, go ahead and prepare for even more content related to Dr. Buss’ vision of the team, and then also a lot of the roadblocks that are standing in his way. He’s taking huge financial risks, and also going against the grain when it comes to making the Forum an entertainment destination. He’s also going to ruffle feathers and even offend some along the way. Maybe some will take issue with how certain events are dramatized, but it’s been clear from the start that this is the sort of show Winning Time is.
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Photo: HBO