Power Book IV: Force season 1 episode 7 spoilers: Dahlia and danger

Power Book IV: Force season 1

Entering Power Book IV: Force season 1 episode 7 on Starz this weekend, we knew Tommy Egan would be pushing hard. He’s now got a way to get the Dahlia drug out there to as many customers as possible.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that he’s making money on this pretty fast. He knows how to run this game — he did it successfully with Ghost for years in New York. He’s taken some of what he learned in that city and got a strong group of people around him. You can imagine with all of this in mind that he’s got as good of an architecture as possible around him … but plans are always meant to fall apart. That’s just the way of the world with this show.

New Power Book IV: Force video! Be sure to look below for all of our thoughts on this past episode. Once you do just that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. That is, after all, the best way to ensure you don’t miss any other updates.

Below, you can see via TV Guide the full synopsis for season 1 episode 7, one that shows the advantages of disadvantages of some of Tommy’s ambition:

Tommy’s new product is spreading like wildfire across Chicago. But the current success isn’t good enough for Tommy. He wants to own the entire city and is determined to figure out how to do so, no matter the cost.

So what could the cost be here? Don’t be all that shocked if we see a character die over the course of this episode. With us getting closer to the finale, it’s inevitable that things are only going to get crazier. Also, we’re still hoping for another Power alum or two to show up by the very end of everything.

Related Check out more news when it comes to Power Book IV: Force right now

What do you think is going to come up on Power Book IV: Force season 1 episode 7?

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