When Calls the Heart season 9 episode 2: Meet Mayor Mike Hickam!

When Calls the Heart

Tonight on When Calls the Heart season 9 episode 2, the Hallmark Channel series lifted the veil on a big question: Who is the new Mayor of Hope Valley?

Perhaps more impressively, they didn’t even make us wait through the entirety of the episode to give us answers! Mike Hickam now has the honor of leading the community through what is a very essential part of its history. There is so much change coursing through the town, whether it be new stores, more cars, and of course more people. You want to make sure that Hope Valley still keeps the essence of what’s made it so special, while also not closing the door to future opportunities. Change is a scary thing, and we wonder how the fear of that is going to impact things on the show moving forward.

As for Lee, he is now pivoting and working to make sure he has another valuable role: Helping Rosemary and with a new title of Managing Editor. We give him a lot of credit for taking everything in relative stride here, and that speaks very much to who he is and also the strength of this relationship. We think that at times, this series often serves as an example to what people can be as opposed to who they are often are. There are a lot of people who don’t always do the right thing or make questionable decisions, but they often realize the error of their ways at some point during the process. This show is one that almost always does a good job of bringing a smile to our faces at some point.

For those worried about Nathan, also know this: He’s going to be okay. There’s nothing too major to be worried about here for now.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to When Calls the Heart, including more updates on what lies ahead

What do you most want to see when it comes to When Calls the Heart season 9 episode 2?

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