Saturday Night Live spoofs The Princess and the Frog for Disney-


Tonight’s new episode of Saturday Night Live had a spoof of The Princess and the Frog, and let’s just say it did NOT go as we planned.

From the moment that we saw the opening credits for this movie (on fake streaming service Disney-), we learned that Zoe Kravitz was playing the princess and Chris Redd the frog. They were declaring their love for each other, but then the princess learned a startling bit of information about the frog’s … anatomy. Let’s just say that the frog’s reproductive organs led to a LOT of discussion.

Did we learn a lot about how frogs have intercourse? Yes. Then, we also learned how Redd’s Prince (not frog) alter ego also lost his manhood in a bowling accident. We also learned that he was the prince of Newark, New Jersey, and that wasn’t appreciated all that much.

The first question that we wondered after watching this was pretty simple: Who in the world decided to come up with this idea? Obviously, it was SO off the wall and we’re sure that the folks at Disney don’t necessarily love it. The entire premise of the sketch is also going to be something stuck in our head after watching this. There’s just no avoiding it at this point.

Is this episode firing on all cylinders?

In between this, the marriage speech, and even the monologue, you can argue that this is one of the best episodes of the season. Usually, you do start to see things sag off just a little bit by the time you close in on the musical guest for the night.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Saturday Night Live right now

What did you think about the Princess and the Frog spoof from this Saturday Night Live episode?

How did it compare to some of the other Disney spoofs we’ve seen over time? Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, stick around the site — there are other updates coming and we don’t want you missing them. (Photo: NBC.)

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